Project management and dissemination

- Establish the organisational and technical requirements for project management.
- Establish a PDCA cycle for data protection and data security by defining and aligning the basic reporting, reconciliation and decision-making processes.
- Establishment of a procedure directory on the documentation platform.
- Development of a central, web-based documentation platform. Coordination of the publication of scientific results and public relations work on the project.

Development of a reputation model

- Identification of representative stakeholders of potential data users and providers.
- Identification and acquisition of representative stakeholders of potential data users and providers for the use case.
- Operational support of the investigations T and S with stakeholders of the use case.
- Design, planning, coordination and evaluation of a systematic survey of relevant criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of data recipients.

Development of incentives

- Operational support of the investigation with stakeholders of the use case.
- Participatory construction and specification of operationally applicable incentives for data sharing based on the identified incentive factors.
- Modelling of incentive opportunities between data providers and data takers.

Requirements engineering

- Maintenance of the new project-specific requirements for the existing software development project additional user stories.
- Formulation of user stories for the transfer model First, the specification of incentives, the formulation of content-functional requirements from the perspective of the user groups of the trust model.
- Development-accompanying agile requirements management (maintenance of the backlog; sprint planning).

Development of a transmission model

- Development-accompanying quality assurance and review model.
- Before the data can be delivered, appropriate differential data protection must be established based on a step-by-step consensual agreement of the data providers.
- A randomised procedure that generates this privacy and considers consent and sensitivity representation as parameters must be identified and implemented in this subpackage (delta).

Implementation study system

- Design and implementation of the processes necessary for informing.
- Application development of the trust navigator app in an agile software development process based on the requirements elicited in WP4.
- Integration of the transfer model prototypically implemented in WP 6.1.
- Implementation of interfaces and establishment of interoperability of the components.Implementation of a data usage scenario.
- Selection and specification of a suitable classification/prediction task suitable for the context of the application project.

Implementation of a data usage scenario

- Selection and specification of an appropriate classification/prediction task suitable for the context of the application project.
- Conduct and document data protection impact assessment: The PIA tool of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) is to be used in the work package as a technical basis and for systematizing the data protection impact assessment.
- Implementation of the distributed training approach, which is scalable with regard to the information flow: Multicentric implementation using the differential privacy approach conceived in the trust model.

Study preparation, implementation, and analysis

- Formulation of questionnaire items to accompany research or to collect the quantitative and qualitative data intended for the study, beyond the automatically measurable metrics.
- Qualitative text analysis of full text responses or results of focus group interviews. Contribution to the interpretation of the statistical analysis.
- Interpretation of the study results by comparison with the results of the survey and modeling phase on the reputation model and incentivization.

Rights and data management

- Coordination of project-wide uniform formats, processes and measures for research data management.
- Ongoing implementation of research data management for the results of literature searches, requirements analysis, for the code base of software results and for study data and results.
- Establishment of a central documentation platform.- Formulation of the security concept required by the TTDSG (Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act) for the accreditation of Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS).
- Implementation and documentation of basic technical and organizational measures for data protection and data security for the use case.